Egg Donation UK – Costs, Availability and Law – Explained


Choosing to use donor eggs to have a child is a big decision. There’s a lot to think about from where to find a donor, to the medical process and not least the overall cost. This route to parenthood can be an expensive business – and one that the NHS rarely pays for. Ninety per […]

IVF on the NHS – Costs and Eligibility

Sarah Eustance provides an in-depth analysis of IVF NHS funding costs. The accompanying image features a labyrinth, populated with figures navigating its intricate pathways.

Where do you live? No, really, what is your exact address? Because if you want to get IVF on the NHS that is probably the most important question you will ever answer. Depending if you live in England, Scotland or Wales the treatment offered and who can get it is different. In England, it can […]

IVF Treatment Abroad Resources

Fertility Treatment Abroad - Best Resources

Anyone looking at doing IVF abroad knows that there is so much to think about and choosing the right clinic for you and your family can take up hours of your time and huge amounts of precious brain space. That’s before you even add in the emotional weight involved. There are thousands of fertility clinics […]

How Much Does IVF Cost in Europe?
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