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Klinikk Hausken welcome Katrina and Shane as their couple to receive free IVF Treatment

Klinikk Hausken

The team at Klinikk Hausken Medicine has selected a couple to be part of our unique Fertility Journeys project. We are delighted to introduce Katrina and Shane who have taken the first step on their journey with us.

Camilla writes…

We are so pleased and excited Katrina and Shane wanted to come on this journey with us. And now their journey begins… We have already put the wheels in motion and Katrina and Shane have been over to Norway for their initial consultation. This is the investigative and planning stage. It’s when our Medical Director and IVF specialist Dr. Hausken delve deeper into the couples’ medical history and all the tests, examinations, and analysis needed to put together a “bespoke” treatment plan are conducted.

The key to planning an optimal treatment protocol for the couple lies in effective communication and that’s why we believe listening to the couple is paramount to the treatment process. We are going on a very unique and life-changing journey together.

This is why we put so much weight on the fact that Katrina and Shane feel safe and taken care of, that they feel they have the support they need being away from their family and what they know.

Now that the planning stage is done and the protocol is in place the couple will receive a one-to-one with their named nurse who will go through their treatment plan step by step. The nurse, together with Dr. Hausken will be Katrina and Shane’s port of call throughout the treatment.

Pre-treatment has already started back in the UK and if the timing suits Katrina and Shane, they will be back in Norway for treatment before Christmas. All travel and accommodation needed throughout the treatment process will be covered by the clinic as well as the IVF treatment itself.

Fertility2U has kindly offered to cover all fertility drugs Katrina will need which is such an amazing gesture. Fertility2U is a UK based pharmacy that we recommend to all our UK clients. Their customer service and prices are brilliant and they always the fertility drugs we need for our clients easily available. This is extremely important as a protocol may change quickly and the client might need new medication on the day. Fertility2U also provide home delivery which is a real bonus. This means they can serve all our UK clients wherever they are based.

We are really looking forward to getting to know Katrina and Shane and hopefully, we will be able to help them on the way to becoming the loving, caring parents they so clearly want to be.

We would like to thank everyone who applied for the Fertility Journey. There were so many good applicants, but unfortunately, we could only choose one couple.

Klinikk Hausken is pleased to be able to offer affordable IVF treatment to our clients and proud to be able to do so without compromising on quality, customer service or success rates. The clinic’s motto is “Efficiency, Empathy, and Enthusiasm”, and this is certainly what you get throughout the whole process.

Here’s Katrina and Shane’s travel letter from their first visit to Norway Medicine has selected a couple to be part of our unique Fertility Journeys project.:

Katrina writes…

Our trip to Norway was absolutely amazing. We’ve absolutely fallen in love and didn’t want to leave.

Even though we were only there for such a short time, it was so beautiful and everyone we met was incredibly friendly. The architecture and views are stunning and the culture, style, and food are fantastic. We can’t wait to come back. It’s our happy place!

I have been filled with so much hope and have a lot more of an understanding than I’ve ever had before, it was amazing to have everything explained so clearly and we found answers to questions that we’ve had for years in just one consultation.

I receive my medication on Tuesday and will be on the pill for 42 days once my period starts and then I’ll be starting my stimulation drugs. It’s all very exciting and we still feel like we’re in a dream!

The clinic is absolutely gorgeous and everyone makes you feel so welcome. They were all so open and friendly and you can really tell that they all want you to achieve your dream.

Shane and I have been together for 7 years and have been trying for a baby for 6 years. I’m 28 and he’s 34. We are engaged and live together, we have 3 cats and we both work full time but the one thing that we are missing is a family of our own. I’ve suffered 2 ectopic pregnancies and was told that I had a 5% chance of becoming pregnant as I only have 1 fallopian tube left and it is damaged. From then I have been given referral after referral, and have had lots of operations, medications and different specialists but was always just told to come back in 6 months and we had been put on a waiting list for IVF. Before we knew it 5 years had passed with no success, we’ve moved to another part of the country and had to start the process all over again and we had really lost hope.

Upon meeting Dr. Hausken and having our assessments he found out some completely different information and had worked out a treatment plan within just a matter of hours! I was completely over the moon and instantly started to feel hope and excitement again!

Thank you so much again.

Katrina and Shane

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