…The more you give to your patients the better you will sleep at night…
Dr. Antonio Gosálvez, MD, PhD, University Hospital Quironsalud in Madrid
We have interviewed Dr. Antonio Gosálvez – Fertility Unit Director at University Hospital Quironsalud in Madrid who treated more than 10,000 patients during his career! Antonio Gosálvez is behind our Fertility Journey couple – Stacey and Kurt – treatment process – read the case study here >>>
How long have you been treating IVF patients?
Since my first steps in 1994. I studied Medicine in the late eighties when the first IVF baby was born.
How long have you been working with Quironsalud?
Hospital Quironsalud Madrid was opened in 2007. I was invited to design and create its Fertility Unit two years before that.
Why did you choose the IVF field to work in?
Because it’s a fine mixture of emotions and technology. Every patient is different!
Do you know how many couples you helped to have a baby?
Hhhm! Difficult to say, but easily over ten thousand couples.
What do you think your greatest achievement has been during your career?
I was a pioneer in integrating emotional care in the Units, but also in developing simple but robust processes.
What makes Quironsalud different from the other IVF clinics in Spain?
We are a Hospital! We offer the humanity of a small to medium Unit, under de quality and security of big and modern premises.
Do you specialize in a certain area, e.g. male factor or multiple IVF failures or any other? Do you get many patients with these issues?
We are clearly specialized in difficult cases, where a fine-tuned team is essential.
What advice would you give to any couples thinking about starting treatment abroad while they’re looking for the clinic?
Just come around, see and feel. Good web pages are easier to find than good Fertility Units.
Normally your first consultation with patients would be in person. Do you think “on-line consultations” may be valuable enough for both doctor and patient?
Yes, clearly valuable, but only as a first contact or a continuation visit.
What is the protocol for patients with multiple IVF failures? Do they receive personalized treatment due to previous failures and issues?
Multiple IVF failures cannot be protocolized. Every couple is unique and deserves a tailored attitude.
Can you tell us, in short, about the most difficult IVF case you have had that ended in successful birth? What made a difference in that case?
Young depressed and extremely obese woman with closed vagina after cancer treatment. First, we had to help her regain her desire to live. Afterwards, to lose 50 pounds. Third, create a functional vagina. Finally, she could adopt an embryo and now she is a busy mother. The key point was to create a team with her: “together we could reach success”.
You are a doctor behind our Fertility Journeys couple – Stacey and Kurt’s – treatment process at Quironsalud. As they came from the UK – it’s a perfect example for patients coming for treatment from abroad. What challenges have you been facing during their treatment process?
All flights were cancelled or postponed because of Covid-19, extreme heavy snows here… It was not an easy year!
If you could give your younger doctor colleague one word of advice what would it be?
Be your best to the couple you have in front: each and every one of them. They are suffering more than you see, and you can be the shortest way to their happiness. “The more you give to your patients the better you will sleep at night”.