Cheap IVF – Worldwide Guide

Cheapest IVF Worldwide

The Covid Pandemic caused thousands of individuals and couples to pause their IVF options abroad. As we emerge from the pandemic, IVF patients have been dealt another blow to realising their dreams of having a baby by the cost of living crisis which is causing economic stress throughout the world. The cost of living crisis […]

IVF Cost Abroad – 2024 Guide

Aleksander Wiecki discusses ivf costs. The image depicts a stethoscope resting atop a stack of Euro bills.

Please keep in mind that the advertised treatment costs may differ significantly from reality. One of the first ways in which patients compare IVF (in vitro fertilization) clinics is by cost and therefore it follows that each clinic will aim to present itself in the most favourable way – as one which offers the most […]

IVF Success Rates Explained

Aleksander Wiecki delves into the intricacies of IVF success rates. Complementing the discussion is a colorful stacked column chart.

Judging fertility clinics abroad on the basis of their success rates is one of the most widely used methods patients use to help them choose their ideal IVF (in vitro fertilization) clinic but unfortunately, it is not always the wisest one. You might ask why this is so but in fact success rates are not solely achieved by […]

IVF in Greece – pros, cons, costs & availability

IVF in Greece – Pros, Cons, Costs & Availability

Patients looking for IVF treatment abroad have many options when it comes to choosing the country where they want to be treated. As you might know, Spain is a very popular IVF destination, often chosen by many patients who, in addition to high medical standards, receive the opportunity to combine treatment with leisure. However, apart […]

IVF in Spain – Pros, Cons, Costs & Availability

IVF in Spain – Pros, Cons, Costs & Availability

Patients from many countries for various reasons are looking for a location where they can be treated by means of assisted reproductive methods (ART). Spain is one of the most frequently chosen destinations for IVF treatment and is selected not only by patients from Europe, but also from the United States, Canada, and Australia. What […]

PGT-A (PGS): Costs Abroad Guide

Aleksander Wiecki delves into the cost of PGT-A testing. The accompanying image features various currencies.

PGT-A (Pre-implantation genetic testing for aneuploidy) is a test that is used to identify abnormalities in the number of chromosomes in embryos. It was previously known as Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) and is a test that is gaining in popularity with patients across the world. The use of PGT-A is debated to this day despite […]

Egg freezing abroad guide

Egg freezing abroad guide

A woman’s chance of conceiving naturally declines with age. By her mid thirties a women’s egg quality has begun to deteriorate and her egg count will have decreased to the point where it becomes increasingly difficult to achieve and maintain a pregnancy. The decline increases and by her early forties the vast majority of women […]

IVF For the Over 50s

Aleksander Wiecki shares insights on the top IVF clinics for individuals over 50. The accompanying image features a woman strolling serenely along a sunlit beach.

If you are a woman over 50 and looking to begin or continue IVF (in vitro fertilization) treatment it might be tempting to throw the towel in. Age and success rates seem to be against you and treatment opportunities might appear to be few and far between. But is that really the case? Should you […]

Egg Donation Abroad

Egg Donation Abroad

Travelling for IVF abroad is becoming more popular than ever – you only need to take a look at the increasing numbers of online platforms, support organisations, forums, and clinics promoting information about so-called ‘fertility tourism’ to see that it is an option which is in demand. It is an option which recognises no borders […]

What is the cost of IVF abroad?
IVF Cost Abroad – 2024 Guide
Discover the cost of IVF and egg donation treatment in popular destinations in Europe!