Keri & Kevin Share return from FIV Marbella and wait …
When we sit down and think about it, Kev and I both said we cannot believe it has only been 5 months since we began our story with FIV Marbella.
Time has completely flown by and it only seems like yesterday that we had our first meeting with Michelle and the team at the clinic and we were both full of hope and anticipation for the future.
It certainly has been a journey full of excitement, apprehension and a few setbacks along the way. In the blink of an eye we are here today writing this and at the same time it feels as though we have been going through the IVF journey for the longest of times as it really does just take over your whole being and thoughts, and becomes your sole focus.
After our first visit to FIV Marbella we came home excited and positive and raring to start treatment as soon as possible. However, a scan at our visit had showed I had a small polyp on my uterus which could potentially cause some issues if I became pregnant.
So the immediate focus when we got home was for me to arrange to have this removed and heal. I luckily managed to get this done in a quick turnaround time so first hurdle overcome.

The next step was lots and lots of blood tests for both myself and Kev and this highlighted a slightly high thyroid level which would need to be addressed with medication in order for me to proceed.
After tablets and a re -test a few weeks down the line, I was now finally ready to start my treatment plan. Kev and I were extremely excited and decided that because the transfer would be planned for June we would combine our trip with a holiday too and really try to enjoy the process and Marbella too!
Our second trip started off well, but unfortunately I got some kind of food poisoning or sunstroke whilst we were there and spent the days leading up to the transfer being rather sick and consequently I couldn’t have my progesterone monitored and it wasn’t high enough for us to go through the planned embryo transfer.
This was disappointing news obviously, but the clinic suggested we freeze the embryos which were developing well for the best possible chance for success next time around.
We completely trusted Doctor Sosa and his recommendation and so instead of letting this news deflate us, we tried to stay positive and believe that we would still achieve our dream when the time is right.
Back home we waited patiently for another cycle and started treatment again, this time with more progesterone in the form of daily injections which was something else new to add to our experience especially as Kev is not a huge fan of needles! Back to FIV Marbella at the beginning of August this time just for a few days, progesterone level was perfect, embryo was successfully transferred on 6th August.
Rather than a home test, I went and had a blood test to detect the pregnancy hormone and patiently waited the results over the phone. I will never ever forget the most special phone call of my life- ringing Kev whilst he was at work to tell him the news that I was pregnant and he was going to be a dad!
We have our 12 week scan next week and we both literally keep having to pinch ourselves that we have come this far in such a short space of time. It’s true that going through IVF really does make you extra anxious about your pregnancy, I’m sure every expectant mother feels the same and after each milestone of your pregnancy you let out a small breath of relief. From the first 6 week scan we had and saw the heartbeat, each part of our journey has been amazing, Kev and I have stayed solid and remained positive throughout, we feel so thankful to everyone at FIV Marbella for helping us achieve our step to have a family,
I most certainly have Michelle on speed dial and she always has the ability to make me feel as though I am their only patient.
The expertise of Dr Sosa and the whole team, nurses, embryologists, and even the welcome of the receptionists- the whole experience at FIV Marbella has been simply fantastic. Kev and I feel extremely blessed to be where we are today and will be forever eternally grateful.