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Institut Marquès

Table of Contents

IVF treatment availability at Institut Marquès

IVF at Institut Marquès - restrictions
Woman maximum age51
Single womanAllowed
Same sex female couplesAllowed
HIV (female)Allowed
HIV (male)Allowed
HCV / HBV (female)Allowed
HCV / HBV (male)Allowed

About Institut Marquès

Institut Marquès was founded all the way back in 1922 and has been open ever since, which is an amazing length of time. With its main clinic in Barcelona, it has also opened offices/clinics in London, Sabadell, Milan, Rome, and Kuwait. The history of the clinic is remarkable in that it was founded in 1922 by Dr. Vicens Marquès i Bertran; whilst currently working at the clinic is Dr. Borja Marquès, who is a fourth-generation of gynecologists from the Marquès family, meaning that since founded, at least one member of every generation of the family has worked there.

When you first visit the clinic you will be in awe of the architecture on show for the clinic, and behind the clinic, as the buildings are all shaped like hexagons, and have beautiful plant life and trees all on show, making you feel like you are in a tropical paradise. Once inside the clinic you will notice light colours everywhere, from the white walls, to the light green furniture, as well as the lightly coloured wooden floors and furniture. Light colours have been proven to evoke a sense of calm and well-being in a person, and can also make you feel comfortable and at home.

Institut Marquès

Music at Institut Marquès

One more thing you will notice is the musical notes that adorn the walls and hang from the ceiling. Music is a fundamental part of their identity. In their in vitro fertilisation laboratory, they have hosted concerts featuring renowned artists such as Antonio Orozco, Álex Ubago, Sharon Corr, and Hugo Marlo. At Institut Marquès, they strongly believe in the positive impact of music on the patients’ experience during Assisted Reproduction treatments. That’s why music plays a unique and meaningful role in the clinic.

The Role of Music in In Vitro Fertilisation

Emotional well-being is essential in Assisted Reproduction treatments. Music profoundly influences mood, and for Marques team, it serves as a source of support for their patients throughout their journey. At Institut Marquès, they have conducted extensive research on the effects of music in ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology), further reinforcing its importance in such approach.

It’s not just music that Institut Marquès offers to help with development, as they also offer services to the would-be parents who are undergoing treatment with them. One such offering is special waiting areas called “nests” which you can reserve by the hour before and after your treatment and which ensure your privacy. They also offer both a massage and acupuncture to help you relax before and after:

  • Massage. You can either undergo a massage before or after your egg retrieval or embryo transfer, in order to help your mind and body relax.
  • Acupuncture. After your IVF procedure, you may feel some discomfort or stress. Acupuncture can be the perfect cure for all of that as it is the perfect way to help you relax.

The goals of the team at the clinic are to give you the best chances of success when it comes to infertility treatment, so they always ensure they have access to the latest technologies and treatment methods. One of the methods that they like to utilise is called EmbryoMobile. What this does is it connects your phone to the embryoscope, which is the time lapse monitoring system that monitors the embryos. A study conducted by SIFES (Italian Society for Fertility, Sterility and Reproduction Medicine), and the SFR (French Reproduction Society), showed that patients saw an 11% increase in pregnancy rates when they were able to see the embryos during the development process. Even more impressive is that there was a direct correlation between pregnancy success and a higher watch time of the embryos by the would-be parents. Not only was it proven to achieve a more successful pregnancy rate but the emotional bonding felt by the parents was higher too, proving that this system works very well.

It is not just women with husbands or partners, or single women, who want to be parents, as many members of the LGBTQ community also want to see their dreams of parenthood come to fruition. Because of this they came up with the Rainbow Fertility Barcelona project, designed to help LGBTQ people achieve their dreams. What’s more, if you belong to an LGTBI+ (LGBTQ) association, you will receive a 10% discount on your treatment. The clinic even has their own Premium Sperm Bank, with over 2,000 egg and sperm donors, so that they are able to match you with your donor as closely as possible, but don’t worry, all donors undergo strict testing to ensure healthy eggs and sperm.

Institut Marquès believes in offering the very best treatment, as well as the best quality of care towards their patients, as well as the eggs, sperm and embryos that are under their care. Due to this it should come as no surprise that they have been on the receiving end of multiple awards over the years. One such award was at the Global Game Changers Awards, which are all about recognising the excellence, innovation, and achievements of organisations and professionals all over the world. At their 2021 awards the clinic was awarded the award for Best Medical Practice Operator of the Year. Now when you consider how many medical practices there are all over the world, this is truly an outstanding award to receive, and should fill you with the utmost confidence when undergoing treatment at the clinic.

As well as the above awards the clinic holds multiple certificates that showcase their commitment to excellence in quality care and quality control. In order to obtain these prestigious certificates they must show continuous improvement in treating their patients, as well as improving their processes and techniques. These certificates are ISO 9001 and UNE-179007.

Experience and Medical Staff at Institut Marquès

Institut Marquès works with 21 experienced doctors (excluding the Medical Director) and 13 embryologists (11 in Barcelona and 2 in Rome). They have 5 senior embryologists who have between 8 and 15 years of experience in IVF. Two of the clinic’s embryologists are ESHRE accredited. Patients are supported by an international team made of 20 Patient Assistants and Medical Assistants. The staff speaks English fluently so you will not have problems with communication.

Dr. Borja Marquès López-Teijón, Medical Director at Institut Marques
Dr. Borja Marquès López-Teijón

The fourth generation of gynaecologists in the Marquès family, Dr. Borja Marquès López-Teijón currently combines his practice as a gynaecologist specialising in Assisted Reproduction with the Medical Management of Institut Marquès. Trained at the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona, he obtained his degree in Medicine in 2014 and worked as an Internal Medical Resident at the same hospital until 2019. He currently sees national and international patients from the Institut Marquès centre in Barcelona (Spain). Member of the ESHRE, the SEF and the SEGO, Dr. Borja Marquès has specialised in cases of infertility with special difficulties. On a scientific level, he participates in the most important international congresses and medical meetings in the field of Assisted Reproduction, presenting numerous studies and papers that have been published in the scientific journals of the speciality. One of his latest works, “Signs of Embryo Self-Repair Potential in the in Vitro Fertilisation Laboratory”, was awarded a prize at the last congress of the Spanish Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (SEGO) in its latest edition. He has collaborated as a lecturer at the University of Barcelona – Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and his interests include technology and research. His goals as Medical Director of Institut Marquès prioritise patient care and the personalisation of diagnoses and treatments. His patients highlight his honesty, closeness, and professionalism.

Medical Staff at Institut Marquès

Dr. Àlex García-Faura, a seasoned professional with 25 years of experience, currently serves as the Scientific Director at the clinic, specializing in Obstetrics, Gynaecology, and Reproductive Medicine. In his role, he oversees clinical trials and conducts studies exploring the impact of music on IVF and pregnancy. Since 2001, Dr. García-Faura has held the position of head of the Oncology and Reproductive Medicine Unit at Institut Marquès. In this capacity, he provides support to patients who have undergone oncological treatment and have aspirations for pursuing IVF treatment post-cancer to fulfill their dreams of starting a family.

The rest of the medical team includes Dr Victoria Walker and Dr Rosa Trigas who mainly see English-speaking patients, but, also, Dr Hans Arce, Fertility Expert and Medical Director of Future Life Western Europe (ART provider), along with Dr David Peet, and Dr Kristina Portela, all experienced assisted reproduction specialists.

The clinic also has a lot of other staff members, which includes 21 doctors and 13 embryologists, who are all highly qualified and experienced. Owing to the fact that they treat patients from all over the world, they have patient assistants who speak multiple languages and have international programmes that have been designed to help international patients. When being treated at the clinic you can be sure that you will be able to communicate with the staff in one of the following languages:

  • Spanish
  • Catalan
  • English
  • Italian
  • French
  • German
  • Dutch
  • Portuguese
  • Arabic.

This way you will feel safe in the knowledge that you will always understand, and always be understood, at every step of your journey.

Institut Marquès
The waiting space for patients called “nests”

IVF Costs at Institut Marquès

Basic IVF packages cost at Institut Marquès
Intrauterine insemination (IUI)€1,170
Artificial insemination with donor (AID)€1,570
IVF with own eggs€5,250
Egg donation IVF€5,290-€7,090
Embryo donation€4,300
Egg freezing€2,695
Sperm donationfrom €5,600 (5,250 IVF with own eggs + donor sperm €350)

When it comes to your treatment at Institut Marquès, you will expect to pay 1,170 Euros for IUI (intrauterine insemination), and 1,570 Euros for AID (artificial insemination with donor), 3,710 Euros for a natural IVF cycle, 5,250 Euros for IVF, with egg donation starting from 5,290 Euros.

If you require embryo donation/adoption then the cost is 4,300 Euros. ROPA treatment, which is for lesbian couples, will cost 6,050 Euros, although you can receive a 10% discount if you are a member of an LGBTI (LGBTQ) association.

Donor sperm starts from 350 Euros. If you wish to have any sperm frozen, for future purposes, you will be paying 325 Euros. Additional services are available as well, with embryo monitoring costing 480 Euros, blastocyst culture costing 600 Euros. Patients interested in PGT-A embryo testing may want to look at these costs:

  • Embryo Biopsy for PGT – €1,250.
  • Patients with 1 to 5 embryos need to pay €350 per embryo tested.
  • Patients with 6-8 embryos need to pay €3,200 for all embryos tested.

If you wish to freeze the remaining embryos, that were not used in your treatment and store them you can also do that. Vitrification of remaining embryos and storage for 1 year will cost you 875 Euros and, then, if you are planning to have them used during FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) – the cost is 2,750 Euros from transferring the thawed embryos.

The clinic also has premium packages available, which come with a whole host of benefits that include:

  • An assistant who will help you organise your stay and travel, as well as recommendations on places to visit.
  • A private VIP box with no time limit.
  • Priority, so that you will have no waiting times when in the clinic and will always be seen once you are ready.
  • Purchasing of medicine on your behalf, and many more benefits.

IVF add-ons and other costs

Other IVF techniques costs at Institut Marquès
Medical consultation (doctor)free
Donor spermfrom €350
Sperm freezing€245
Embryo Monitoring (e.g. Embryoscope)€480
Blastocyst culture€600
PGT-A / PGS genetic embryo testing€1,250 (embryo biopsy) + €3,200 (price for analysing 6-8 embryos)
Embryo freezing and storage for 1 year€875
FET - Frozen Embryo Transfer€2,750

IVF Refund Guarantee Package with Donor Eggs

The Premium Pregnancy Guarantee Insurance (IVF Refunding Programme) at Institut Marquès offers a money-back guarantee for €25,100. This package includes three complete IVF cycles using donor eggs. If the program does not result in a live birth, a 70% refund is provided. Qualification for the program is required. For more details, please contact the clinic.

Refund Package (Money back guarantee):

Premium Pregnancy Guarantee Insurance (IVF Refunding Programme) - 25100 EUR
Refund is guaranteed if the program does not end with the desired result.
Refund amount: 70% if live birth is not achieved
No. of IVF cycles included: 3 complete cycle(s)
Program qualification is necessary. Please ask the clinic for details.

IVF Success Rates at Institut Marquès

Every year the clinic performs an average of 1,500 IVF cycles using the patient’s own eggs, and an average of 1,500 IVF cycles when using donor eggs. When comparing the success rates of Institut Marquès with other IVF clinics around Europe, you’ll find that they have above-average success rates. For the year 2022, the overall success rate for a clinical pregnancy using donor eggs per embryo transfer was 87.2% and 91.5% for double donation (donor eggs + donor sperm).

When using the patient’s own eggs, the overall success rate for clinical pregnancy per embryo transfer was 72.4%. When broken down into age groups the success rates were:

  • women under 35 – 76.6%​ (with partner’s sperm), 84.7% (with donor sperm),
  • women aged 35-39 – 62.3% (with partner’s sperm), 73.7% (with donor sperm),
  • women over 40 – 27.7% (with partner’s sperm), 26.6% (with donor sperm).

In 2022, the frozen embryo clinical pregnancy success rate per embryo transfer was 56.5%. And the embryo donation clinical pregnancy success rate was 57.1%. Institut Marquès’ success rates are accredited by the FIV-CAT, a body that depends on the Generalitat de Catalunya – a competent authority in Health matters – to which all clinics performing IVF in this region must report. Furthermore, the centre participates in the registry of the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF).

The multiple birth rate at the clinic in 2022 was 3.2% for donor eggs. If we look at patients’ age the multiple birth rate fro donor eggs looks as follows:

  • women under 35 – 4% (with partner’s sperm), 4.2% (with donor sperm),
  • women 35-39 years old – 4.1% (with partner’s sperm), 4% (with donor sperm),
  • women over 40 – 0% (with partner and donor sperm) so this means that there were no twin pregnancies for these patients.

The multiple birth rate for frozen embryo transfers was 2.9% and for embryo donation transfers 2.4%.

In 2022, the doctors at Institut Marquès transferred on average 1.1 embryos.

As you can see, the clinic achieves excellent success rates, which should fill you with confidence that, when undergoing treatment with them, you will be satisfied.

Institut Marquès – Location

The main clinic for Institut Marquès is located in Barcelona, a beautiful coastal city in Spain. With architecture to marvel at and plenty of things to see and do, including 9 beaches for you to walk and relax on while staring at the Mediterranean Sea.

Located only 2 km from the city centre and about 40 minutes drive from the airport, you will have easy access to whichever parts of the city you want to go to, during your treatment. It is truly the perfect place to go. And with it being so large it will have plenty of hotels for you to choose from if you decide to choose the Hilton Barcelona Hotel, you will even receive a 10% discount, thanks to the clinic.

Institut Marquès - FAQ
What is the average cost of IVF with own eggs at Institut Marquès?

The base cost of an IVF cycle using your own eggs with Institut Marquès is 5,250 Euros (the costs of ovarian stimulation medication are extra)

The following is included:

  • Orientation, programming, and medical monitoring of the cycle.
  • Ovarian stimulation.
  • Oocyte recovery.
  • Operating room costs and outpatient hospitalisation.
  • Andrology and IVF laboratory.
  • Isolation of oocytes.
  • Sperm sample preparation.
  • Sperm microinjection (ICSI)
  • Embryo culture and daily study of the state of each embryo.
  • Embryo transfer.
  • Monitoring of the process until the 8th week of pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy testing.
  • Medical support and ultrasound monitoring.
What are the costs of popular IVF add-ons at Institut Marquès?

Some of the more popular add-ons at Institut Marquès are:

  • Embryoscope incubator and Embryomobile: €480

The Embryoscope is an innovative technology that has revolutionised the field of Embryonic Medicine. It’s an incubator that maintains the necessary physiological conditions required by a living embryo during an in vitro process, with an additional peculiarity: it includes a camera that continuously captures images of the embryonic development. This camera films the beginning of life.

All patients from Institut Marquès who have undergone In Vitro Fertilisation using Embryoscope have the opportunity to watch this “movie on life” from their own homes with the Embryomobile. By means of a world pioneer system developed by our center, our patients can now watch through the Internet how their embryos evolve before they get transferred. Thus, they can “enter” our In Vitro Fertilisation laboratory from their homes or any other place and observe their embryos as embryologists do.

  • Embryo culture until day 5 (blastocyst): €600

Transferring embryos in the blastocyst stage allows a better selection of the embryos and improves the synchrony of the embryonic stage and the lining of the uterus, which increases implantation rates. This technique is indicated for patients who want to transfer only one embryo to avoid multiple pregnancies or for patients who have undergone several treatments and haven’t achieved a successful pregnancy. At Institut Marquès a single blastocyst is transferred in 90% of the cases.

  • Genetic compatibility test: from €700 to €1,050

The “Genetic Compatibility Test” is a blood test that detects these genetic mutations (currently the 420 genes that cause the most frequent diseases). It analyses, through massive sequencing and other techniques, 420 genes related to recessive or X-linked pathologies, to assess reproductive risk. By comparing the results of both members of a couple, one can know if they are both carriers of the same alteration. This test can also be used to rule out any incompatibilities between the donors and the person/couple receiving the donated gametes.

  • Fertile: €565

Institut Marquès has implemented the FERTILE® Chip, a new technique for sperm selection in the laboratory. The goal is to improve the chances of success for IVF in cases of sperm with DNA fragmentation. The Fertile is the most recent addition to the technologies for sperm analysis. This device, patented by Harvard University Medical School & Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), is designed to select the spermatozoa with the best morphology, reduced DNA fragmentation and lower levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Fertile is indicated in cases of raised DNA fragmentation in the sperm, a pathology that can cause infertility, repeated failures in assisted reproduction techniques or lead to recurrent miscarriages.

  • IMSI: €565

The IMSI technology evaluates sperm morphology with a magnification of up to 16.000x to rule out those spermatozoids with morphologic abnormalities which could be related to genetic alterations.

  • Genetic Testing (PGT-A): Embryo Biopsy – €1,250 + PGT-A – €3,200 (price for analysing 6-8 embryos).

The Preimplantation Genetic Test (PGT for its acronym in English) is the technique previously known as Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD).

This is performed by means of biopsy or extraction of one or several cells from the embryos obtained after the in vitro fertilisation to analyse their genetic or chromosomal content. In this way, only those embryos that do not present anomalies and have the best chances of achieving implantation are transferred to the mother’s uterus.  Is performed on the embryo before it is implanted in the womb. PGT-A provides information on the condition of each of the embryos conceived and only allows the healthy ones to be transferred to the womb.


What is the average cost of the egg donation cycle at Institut Marquès?

The average base cost of IVF treatment using egg donation at Institut Marquès is between 5,290 (4 eggs) and 7,090 Euros (6 eggs), and will depend on the package that you choose, of which the clinic has several available (in all cases the costs of ovarian stimulation medication for the donor and for the endometrial preparation of the recipient are extra)

The following is included in each case:

STANDARD DONOR EGG IVF > 6,990 Euros with partner’s sperm (with donor sperm, 7,440 Euros)

  • Orientation, programming, and medical monitoring of the cycle.
  • Selection and allocation of a compatible egg donor.
  • Ovarian stimulation (donor) and endometrial preparation (patient).
  • Oocyte recovery from the donor*.
  • Operating room costs and outpatient hospitalisation.
  • Andrology and In Vitro Fertilisation Laboratory.
  • Isolation of oocytes.
  • Sperm sample preparation.
  • Sperm microinjection (ICSI).
  • Embryo culture and daily study of the state of each embryo.
  • Embryo transfer.
  • Monitoring of the process until the 8th week of pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy testing.
  • Medical support and ultrasound monitoring.

EGG 4 > 5,290 Euros

  • Orientation, programming and medical monitoring of the cycle.
  • Selection and allocation of a compatible egg donor.
  • Ovarian stimulation (donor) and endometrial preparation (patient).
  • Oocyte recovery from the donor*.
  • Operating room costs and outpatient hospitalisation.
  • Andrology and In Vitro Fertilisation Laboratory.
  • Isolation of oocytes.
  • Sperm sample preparation.
  • Sperm microinjection (ICSI).
  • Embryo culture and daily study of the state of each embryo.
  • Embryo transfer.
  • Monitoring of the process until the 8th week of pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy testing.
  • Medical support and ultrasound monitoring.

*4 mature oocytes of good quality

When it comes to undergoing IVF with egg donation, at Institut Marquès they basically work with fresh eggs, synchronizing the cycles of both the donor and the recipient. Only in cases of donors with a special phenotype they resort to frozen eggs. Moreover, you can use your partner’s or donor sperm. The additional cost for using sperm from a donor is 350 Euros.

What kind of egg donor ethnicities are available at Institut Marquès?

At Institut Marquès they have a broad pool of egg donors of all phenotypes (European, American, African, and Asian), which speeds up the process and avoids waiting lists. Donor Egg IVF is always performed in this centre using “fresh” eggs, that is, without freezing them. To do this, they synchronise the ovarian stimulation of the donor with the preparation of the recipient’s womb lining.

Only in the case of specific, more rare phenotypes, they do resort to frozen donor eggs.

By law, female donors must be over 18 and under 35 years old.

Egg donor selection is based on their blood group, Rh, and physical traits, seeking for a resemblance between the donor and recipient couple. They are young and healthy women who wish to help other women become mothers.

In addition to looking for the greatest physical resemblance, at Institut Marquès we are pioneer in offering the greatest similarity in terms of hereditary personality traits. We have launched the “personality matching”, the first programme created for donor allocation according to their psychological traits.

It consists of a test that ranks each person from their answers to 40 questions in four profiles. It analyses those hereditary characteristics that, in the clinical field, are known as “temperament”. Temperament is inherited and character is modulated according to the environment and education the child receives. Together, both temperament and character will build what we call personality.

All our sperm and egg donors take this test. The results are compared to those of the future mother in case of In vitro Fertilisation (IVF) treatments with donor egg or with those of the future father, in case of Artificial Insemination or IVF with donor sperm.

Moreover, all egg donors undergo medical and gynecological check-ups, take a complete blood test including psychological tests, study of the karyotype, tests to discard infectious diseases, and specific tests to discard the most frequent mutations within the European population causing cystic fibrosis.

What is the cost of the PGT-A and how it should be calculated with IVF programs at Institut Marquès?

The cost of PGT-A testing at Institut Marquès consists of:

  • Embryo Biopsy for PGT – €1,250.
  • Patients with 1 to 5 embryos need to pay €350 per embryo tested.
  • Patients with 6-8 embryos need to pay €3,200 for all embryos tested.

These costs need to always to be added to the base cost of an IVF cycle.

At Institut Marquès PGT is performed in all their centres using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). This is the most innovative method that is currently applied to the embryos’ genetic diagnosis. When the PGT is performed in blastocyst stage, the cryopreservation of the embryo is unavoidable while waiting for the results, which take approximately two weeks. If PGT is performed during day three of the evolution, the diagnosis will be ready when the embryo reaches blastocyst stage and its cryopreservation is not necessary. Institut Marquès has proved that the results of the Preimplantation Genetic Test are equally effective regardless of the day the biopsy is performed.

PGT Express: Very few clinics have the possibility to offer their patients a genetic study of their embryos in 48 hours. By means of Express IVF-PGT-A, at Institut Marquès we can perform the embryo biopsy and the analysis of all its chromosomes when the embryo is three days old. This way, the transfer can take place only two days later, when it reaches the blastocyst stage (fifth day of life), in a fresh cycle. With no need to freeze it, and no waiting times. In this case, the cost is 3,600 Euros.

What is the cost of donor sperm from the bank at Institut Marquès?

The use of donor sperm at Institut Marquès costs 350 Euros.

At Institut Marquès we have our own Premium Sperm Bank and vast experience in donor selection. The donor is personally chosen by the doctor to guarantee the most suitable for each patient.

The matching process considers both the blood group and the RH as well, the physical features of future parents (eye, hair, and skin color, etc.) and now also the psychological traits of both patients and donors thanks to our personality matching.

Donors undergo a thorough sociological and psychological assessment and a full medical check-up and blood works, including the study of their karyotype, several tests to rule out infectious diseases and specific tests to rule out the most frequent mutations in the European population. They also perform blood tests that are repeated periodically to detect sexually transmitted diseases. Moreover, the family medical history is reviewed to discard possible genetic illnesses. Finally, they undergo tests to rule out any chromosomal abnormalities in the ejaculated sample (FISH in sperm) and to detect the 50 most common cystic fibrosis mutations.

According to Spanish legislation, sperm donors must be between 18 and 50 years old.

What is the average cost of the ROPA (IVF for same-sex female couples) cycle at Institut Marquès?

The base cost of a ROPA cycle (Reciprocal IVF) with Institut Marquès is 6,050 Euros (the costs of ovarian stimulation medication and for the endometrial preparation of both members of the couple are extra)

The following is included:

  • Orientation, programming, and medical monitoring of the cycle.
  • Ovarian stimulation and endometrial preparation.
  • Oocyte recovery.
  • Donor sperm (sperm bank).
  • Operating room costs and outpatient hospitalisation.
  • Andrology and In Vitro Fertilisation Laboratory.
  • Isolation of oocytes.
  • Sperm sample preparation.
  • Sperm microinjection (ICSI).
  • Embryo culture and daily study of the state of each embryo.
  • Embryo transfer.
  • Monitoring of the process until the 8th week of pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy test.
  • Medical support and ultrasound monitoring.

“ROPA” is an acronym formed from the procedure of “Reception of Oocytes from the Couple”. This method is also known as “Shared Motherhood” as it is an In Vitro Fertilisation in which both partners participate: one of the women undergoes ovarian stimulation to provide the oocytes and her partner will carry the pregnancy and give birth. A sperm donor is required for this treatment.

It is indicated for lesbian couples who wish to have a child. Thanks to the Ropa Method, both women will be their biological mothers: the first one as the donor mother and the second one as the recipient-gestational mother.

What is the average cost of embryo donation at Institut Marquès?

The base cost of an Embryo Donation/Adoption cycle with Institut Marquès is 4,300 Euros (the costs for the endometrial preparation of the patient are extra)

The following is included:

  • Orientation, programming, and medical monitoring of the cycle.
  • Medical follow-up and endometrial preparation.
  • Embryo selection.
  • In vitro fertilisation laboratory.
  • Embryo devitrification.
  • Embryo culture and morphological selection.
  • Embryo transfer.
  • Monitoring of the process until the 8th week of pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy test.
  • Medical support and ultrasound monitoring.

Embryo Adoption (or Embryo Donation) is an Assisted Reproduction technique that consists of transferring to a woman the embryos that were left unallocated after an IVF cycle. They, therefore, carry the genetic load of other people.

These embryos come from healthy couples, under 35 years of age, who do not want to have any more children after having successfully completed their treatment.

In addition, a large percentage of these embryos come from egg and/or sperm donation cycles and, therefore, have a high implantation potential. This treatment gives them a new chance at life.

What is the average cost of egg freezing at Institut Marquès?

The base cost of an Egg Freezing cycle with Institut Marquès is 2,695 Euros (the costs for the ovarian stimulation medication of the patient are extra)

The following is included:

  • Orientation, programming, and medical monitoring of the cycle.
  • Ovarian stimulation.
  • Oocyte recovery.
  • Operating room costs and outpatient hospitalisation.
  • In Vitro Fertilisation Laboratory.
  • Egg freezing.
  • 2 years of storage of frozen eggs *

*Cost of storage after the first 2 years. €325 per year

They offer the possibility to pay the treatment in 12 monthly installments of €225.

What are the average costs of intrauterine insemination and donor sperm insemination at Institut Marquès?

The base cost of an IUI cycle with partner’s sperm with Institut Marquès is 1,170 Euros. In the case of donor sperm IUI, the cost would be 1,570 Euros, including the donor sperm (in both cases the costs for the ovarian stimulation medication of the patient are extra)

The following is included:

  • Orientation, programming, and medical monitoring of the cycle.
  • Ovarian Stimulation.
  • Blood test and evaluation.
  • Operating theatre and outpatient hospitalisation expenses.
  • Andrology laboratory.
  • Sperm bank (in the case of IUI with donor sperm).
  • Processing of the sperm sample.
  • Preparation of the sperm sample for insemination.
  • Monitoring of the process until the 8th week of pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy test.
  • Medical support and ultrasound monitoring.

Artificial Insemination is a basic assisted reproduction technique that consists of introducing sperm sample of the partner (or of a sperm donor) into the woman’s uterus using the appropriate instruments. This sample is previously prepared in the laboratory to optimise its quality.

In order to increase the chances of pregnancy, the ovulation of the mother-to-be can be induced by hormonal medication before the insemination. In the case of young women without fertility problems, if desired, the insemination can be performed without any additional hormonal stimulation.

At Institut Marquès they have their own sperm bank, they know the donors and select only the best. They are young people who decide to donate to help other people to build a family and who must undergo exhaustive medical and psychological tests. They also have all the phenotypes to find the most suitable donor for each case. It is the doctor himself who will oversee choosing the best fitting sperm donor for you, taking into account your physical features and the hereditary traits of your personality. They look for the perfect match. is a basic

Who is the medical director and what is the doctor's experience in IVF treatment at Institut Marquès?

Dr Borja Marquès López-Teijón is Institut Marquès’ Medical Director.

The fourth generation of gynaecologists in the Marquès family, Dr Borja Marquès López-Teijón was trained at the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona. He obtained his degree in Medicine in 2014 and worked as a Resident Medical Intern at the same hospital until 2019. He currently sees national and international patients from the Institut Marquès centre in Barcelona (Spain). Member of the ESHRE, the SEF and the SEGO, Dr. Borja Marquès has specialised in cases of infertility with special difficulties.

On a scientific level, he participates in the most important international congresses and medical meetings in the field of Assisted Reproduction, presenting numerous studies and papers that have been published in the scientific journals of the specialty.

One of his latest works, “Signs of embryo self-repair potential in the In Vitro Fertilisation laboratory”, was awarded a prize at the last congress of the Spanish Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (SEGO) in its latest edition.

He has collaborated as a lecturer at the University of Barcelona – Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and his interests include technology and research. His goals as a Medical Director of Institut Marquès prioritise patient care and the personalisation of diagnoses and treatments. His patients highlight his honesty, closeness, and professionalism.

Where is Institut Marquès located and how easy can patients get there from the airport?

Institut Marquès, situated in the beautiful city of Barcelona, offers a convenient location for international patients. The clinic is only a 20-minute car ride from El Prat International Airport, making it easily accessible. Whether you need transportation to the clinic or your hotel, booking a taxi is a convenient option, but it is also very well connected by subway. Moreover, upon completion of your visit, arranging a taxi to your desired destination is hassle-free. The clinic’s proximity to the city center allows you to explore and experience Barcelona’s attractions with ease. Moreover, you can enjoy its beaches during summer and early autumn.

Institut Marquès is strategically located at the upper side of Avenida Diagonal, at an emblematic city building well known for its friendly environment, surrounded by a commercial and full-of-life area. The clinic offers at its Barcelona location a one-and-only experience for parents-to-be as it breaks any design standards by offering the latest technologies, care and services, so our patients will feel like home in a warm and cosy environment.

At our Diagonal clinic, you may fully personalise a very special moment: your embryo transfer day. For that purpose, we have a wide range of special services on demand:

  • Relaxing Massage: Either before or after the transfer, a massage may help you relax your muscles and open your mind to fully enjoy this magical moment.
  • Acupuncture: We know that IVF procedures can cause discomfort and tension. This is why we think there is no better option than an acupuncture session to calm down.
  • Private Space: You can reserve this area by the hour and extend your stay before or after the transfer. While being at your “cabin” you will enjoy your privacy. This welcoming space can be the ideal substitute of your hotel room on the transfer day or it can help you organize yourself while planning this special trip.
  • Special Hotel Discounts: We have special agreements with a few hotels such as the Barcelona Hilton Diagonal, so you can stay in some of the best rooms in town. You can ask us for further information on those promotions at any time.
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