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Fertility Journey partner Klinikk Hausken is pleased to welcome Kirsty and Steven

Kirsty & Steven

We were so pleased to welcome Kirsty and Steven for an initial consultation in August at which our Medical Director and IVF specialist Dr. Hausken was able to delve deeper in to their medical history and conduct all the necessary all the tests, examinations and analysis needed to put together a “bespoke” treatment plan.  

The key to planning an optimal treatment protocol for the couple lies within effective communication and that’s why we believe listening to the couple is paramount to the treatment process. We are going on a very unique and life changing journey together. This is why we put so much weight on the fact that Kirsty and Steven feel safe and taken care of, that they feel they have the support they need being away from their family and what they know. 

One we completed the planning stage and formulated the protocol the couple sat down to have a one-to-one consultation with their named nurse who went through the proposed treatment plan step by step. The nurse, together with Dr. Hausken, will be Kirsty and Steven’s port of call throughout the treatment.

Pre-treatment has started back in the UK and we hope that Kirsty and Steven will be back in Norway for treatment before the Christmas Holidays. All travel and accommodation needed throughout the treatment process will be covered by the clinic as well as the IVF treatment itself.

Kirsty & Steven

Fertility2U has kindly offered to cover all fertility drugs Kirsty will need which is such an amazing gesture. Fertility2U is a UK based pharmacy that we recommend to all our UK clients. Their customer service and prices are brilliant and they always have the fertility drugs we need for our clients easily available. This is extremely important as a protocol may change quickly and the client might need new medication on the day. Fertility2U also do home delivery which is a real bonus. This means they can serve all our UK clients wherever they are based. 

We have really enjoyed getting to know Kirsty and Steven and hopefully we will be able to help them on the way of becoming the loving, caring parents they so clearly want to be. 

We would like to thank everyone who applied for the Fertility Journey. There were so many good applicants, but unfortunately we could only choose one couple. 

Klinikk Hausken is pleased to be able to offer affordable IVF treatment to our clients and proud to be able to do so without compromising on quality, customer service or success rates. The clinic’s motto is “Efficiency, Empathy and Enthusiasm”, and this is certainly what you get throughout the whole process. 

Kirsty & Steven

Kirsty and Steven kindly sent over snippets from their fertility journal giving readers a chance to get to know them a little better before embarking on the Fertility Journey 2019:

Steven and I have been together for 12 years. I am 31 years old and Steven is 37 years old. We have our own home and 2 dogs that are currently the babies of the house. Steven has an 18 year old son from a previous relationship who we spend lots of time with and love very much. We have been actively trying 8 years to add the missing piece to our family, our own baby. 

 I had surgery which confirmed I have endometriosis and PCOS. We did 6 months of clomid with no success and 3 IUI cycles with no success. I then had surgery where they found a blocked tube and an enlarged ovary which was filled with fluid fortunately drained and fixed during surgery. They removed endometriosis and endo cysts during surgery and we went on to do a cycle of IVF where we managed to get 3 good quality day 5 embryos. We had a successful transfer, but unfortunately resulted in an early miscarriage. We were heartbroken but tried to focus on our other embryos and kept thinking we still had a shot at becoming a family. 

Kirsty & Steven

We had frozen the other 2 embryos so we did a frozen transfer which was unsuccessful. This cycle was a little easier to deal with because we hadn’t seen those 2 lines on the pregnancy test.  We decided to have a one year break before we transferred our last embryo which same as first cycle was successful. We thought 3rd time lucky, but just before we hit the 6 week mark I started bleeding, went in for an early scan and heard those dreaded words “sorry we can’t find the baby”. We were so broken at this point. Our last chance to be parents together, our puzzle piece, was still missing. I started to struggle with anxiety and every day was a struggle for us both. Steven didn’t know how to help and found it difficult to grieve whilst supporting me. Again, we were faced with another miscarriage, another empty date on the calendar. But we didn’t give up.

We returned to the clinic a few months later for a follow up appointment where our consultant said I was a good candidate for an egg share programme. At the end of 2018 we were matched with a couple who would receive half of my eggs. It felt good knowing we were giving another couple a chance to become parents.  We did another IVF cycle with 13 eggs collected, 7 for us and 6 for the other couple. 3 of our little embryos made it to day 5 blastocyst so we had 2 embryos transferred. The last embryo wasn’t good enough to freeze. Test day come and once again we saw those two little lines appear on the pregnancy test. Feelings of joy and happiness swept over us quickly turning into fear and worry. We went to the miscarriage clinic for a 6 week scan and saw our baby on the screen with a strong blip of a heartbeat. It finally felt real! Our family was going to be complete. All I could do was cry and smile at the same time. It felt so different this time around. I actually felt pregnant. My niece had not long found out she was pregnant, 8weeks ahead of us. 

We had so many plans like joint baby showers, play dates.8 week scan came and we couldn’t wait to see our baby again only to be told she could see 2 babies, but neither had a heartbeat. I found myself crying, but this time it was tears of sadness. Steven looked heartbroken and we were crushed. It was all over. 

We needed an output and scrolled through fertility magazines and Facebook support groups needing and wanting answers, wondering if we would ever afford another cycle when a video popped up on Facebook from Tone-Jarvis-Mack, from Fertility Road magazine, explaining how Klinikk Hausken were joining them for another year offering one lucky couple a round of IVF at no cost. I called Steven at work and we chatted and thought “wow!! It can’t be true and if so there are so many couples going through the same journey as us we probably don’t stand a chance”.

But after all we have been through we had nothing to lose so we filled the application form in and didn’t think any more of it untill we received an email from the Klinikk Hausken inviting us for a Skype consultation with Dr. Jon Hausken. We were so shocked and couldn’t believe it. Dr. Jon Hausken was amazing during our Skype consultation and made us feel so comfortable. He gave us hope that it would be possible to have our family one day. 25th June 2019 I recieved a call from Klinikk Hausken telling us we had been selected to become the 2019 Fertility Journey couple!  Not often I am left speechless, but I struggled to hold back the tears. We are so excited to meet everyone at Klinikk Hausken and get to know everyone.

More information can be found on the Klinikk Hausken website

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Fertility Road aims to inform and inspire in a manner which is honest, direct and empathetic. Our worldwide expert writers break down the science and deliver relevant, up-to-date insights into everything related to IVF.

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