Fertility Journey Project

Launched in 2014 our groundbreaking Fertility Journey project came to life when we partnered with many leading fertility experts worldwide.

Since then, 30 free IVF cycles have been given away! 

The free IVF cycles are offered by IVF clinics abroad and IVF clinics in the UK.

The emotional Fertility Journey to start or extend your family with IVF treatment can be a long, physical and emotional stress upon you and your partner.

The concept was and is still simple. To help people who are looking to start a family and are either in need of funding partly due to NHS cuts or the lack of funds or those that may have had repeated failed IVF treatments and need a medical team to take a more personalised look at their treatment plan.

We also wanted to follow the patient’s journey from the beginning. To bring infertility into the light and share the real journey of being diagnosed as infertile.

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