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IVF Cost Abroad – 2025 Guide

Aleksander Wiecki discusses ivf costs. The image depicts a stethoscope resting atop a stack of Euro bills.

Please keep in mind that the advertised IVF treatment costs can often differ from the final amount. Many patients initially compare clinics based on price, but it’s important to understand that the prices listed usually reflect basic treatments.

These initial costs are just the starting point. Additional tests, medications, or procedures may be necessary based on your individual needs, which can lead to higher expenses. These variables can be difficult to predict, making it tricky to plan for the total cost ahead of time when considering treatment abroad.

It’s essential to look beyond just the headline costs. While price comparisons are a good starting point, your final cost will depend on your diagnosis and treatment plan. This means that the advertised prices might not cover everything.

However, many clinics provide detailed packages that clearly outline the costs of each treatment component. This helps you see a full breakdown of expenses and easily compare prices across different countries.

IVF Cost Abroad

IVF costs can often be high, so many people prefer to seek more affordable IVF treatment abroad.

What is the cost of IVF abroad? 

IVF costs abroad for a standard IVF cycle with own eggs range from €2,500 to €5,500 (stimulation medications are not included).

Egg donor availability is another important issue. Sometimes the availability is limited in some countries due to legal aspects and there is far more availability in other countries.

What is the cost of egg donation abroad? 

IVF costs abroad for egg donation (IVF with donor eggs cycle)  range from €5,000 to €8,000 including all basic IVF techniques and egg donor compensation.

IVF costs abroad and ‘guarantee’ products

IVF clinics abroad are increasingly offering treatment packages which offer various types of “guarantees” or inclusions. In some cases, this makes it easier to estimate the total cost of treatment. Below you’ll find some examples of the types of “guarantees” and inclusions clinics might offer:

  • A minimum number of oocytes from the donor – for egg donation programmes (e.g. 6 fresh oocytes from a donor or 8 frozen oocytes from the donor).
  • Minimum number of embryos (day 3 or day 5)* – usually for egg donation programmes (For example, a clinic may guarantee a minimum of 2 embryos in the blastocyst stage – day 5)
    * Please note that eligibility for this guarantee will depend upon the viability of a partner’s sperm
  • IVF programmes with all basic consultations, medications and techniques – These ‘All Inclusive’ packages (even for stimulation protocol) can include laboratory procedures and embryo transfer
  • Shared risk /refund package / money-back guarantee IVF – IVF refund programmes or “IVF money-back guarantees” can offer 2 to 4 IVF cycles.
    A refund of up to 100% may be offered when the expected outcome is not achieved. These outcomes might include a clinical pregnancy or live birth. Access to these IVF refund and guarantee programmes requires certain eligibility criteria developed by the treatment provider and/or the company offering the financial product.

IVF costs abroad – A comparison

IVF costs abroad vary between country and treatment type. Within each country, you might find significant cost differences between clinics which can cloud your judgement and make decision making even more difficult. We have created the comparison chart below to help you identify baseline country and treatment type costs in popular IVF destinations abroad.

For the purposes of this article we have limited our search and comparison of costs to Europe. There are many patients however who travel to and from the United States for IVF treatments. Whilst the numbers of clinics in the U.S. are substantial and the diversity of treatments and procedures are excellent this is reflected in the costs. These costs are very high in comparison to European costs and this is why Europe has become a very popular destination for U.S. patients seeking IVF treatments.

U.S. patients also travel in numbers to South America. For instance many travel for lower surrogacy arrangements and countries like Mexico offer a much cheaper alternative for U.S. patients seeking IVF with own eggs of donor treatments.

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IVF with own eggs cost abroad

The most affordable destinations for IVF using your own eggs are the Czech Republic and Poland where the costs range from €2,100 to €3,500. In comparison, Spain and Portugal are the most expensive countries in Europe with a cost ranging from €3,600 to €6,700.

IVF own eggs average cost abroad comparison
IVF cost in Spain€3,600 - €6,700
IVF cost in Czech Republic€2,100 - €3,500
IVF cost in Greece€2,500 - €3,500
IVF cost in North Cyprus€2,500 - €3,000
IVF cost in Portugal€4,000 - €4,600
IVF cost in Ukraine€2,500 - €3,200
IVF cost in Latvia€2,200 - €3,600
IVF cost in Poland€2,200 - €2,500
IVF cost in Denmark€3,300 - €4,500
IVF cost in Russia €2,300 - €2,900

The average cost range shown above for IVF with own eggs includes all basic services and techniques such as visits, scans, stimulation supervision, egg retrieval, fertilisation, and blastocyst transfer). The indicated costs do not include stimulation medications, frozen embryo transfers and other procedures that may be required.

You may calculate an average cost of IVF with own eggs in popular destinations with our special tool “IVF Cost Calculator

Egg donation IVF costs abroad

Egg donation costs in popular destinations range from €4,500 to €5,500 in North Cyprus (one of the cheapest destinations) to €5,900 – €8,500 in Spain and Denmark (the more expensive destinations). Choosing egg donation IVF abroad is not only about treatment costs however, you will need to consider the different legal frameworks which exist to govern such treatment and the availability of donors.

Egg donation average cost abroad comparison
Egg donation cost in Spain€5,900 - €8,500
Egg donation cost in Czech Republic€4,300 - €5,500
Egg donation cost in Greece€4,200 - €6,000
Egg donation cost in North Cyprus€4,500 - €5,000
Egg donation cost in Portugal€6,300 - €7,300
Egg donation cost in Ukraine€4,600 - €5,500
Egg donation cost in Latvia€6,000- €7,200
Egg donation cost in Poland€5,200 - €6,000
Egg donation cost in Denmark€7,000 - €8,300
Egg donation cost in Russia €4,000 - €4,800

The average cost range shown above for IVF with donor eggs includes a range of basic services that might include visits, scans, donor oocytes, donor compensation, donor medications, fertilisation, and blastocyst transfer. The costs do not include frozen embryo transfers and any other additional procedures.

You might be interested in: IVF Success Calculator – Your IVF Chances Explained

Embryo donation costs abroad

Embryo donation costs in popular IVF destinations range from €1,400 to €5,000. You will need to be aware that the availability of donors will vary between countries and many will treatments subject to a waiting list.

Please note, that “embryo donation” means that you will get embryos from patients who have undergone an IVF procedure. Sometimes the term “embryo donation” is confused with the term, “double donation” which refers to embryos that have been created from donor eggs and sperm.

Embryo donation average cost abroad comparison
Embryo donation cost in Spain€3,000 - €5,000
Embryo donation cost in Czech Republic€2,200 - €3,500
Embryo donation cost in Greece€3,500 - €6,000
Embryo donation cost in North Cyprus€5,500 - €6,000
Embryo donation cost in Portugal€2,000 - €2,400
Embryo donation cost in Ukraine€1,500 - €2,200
Embryo donation cost in Latvia€4,000 - €4,500
Embryo donation cost in Poland€1,400 - €2,000
Embryo donation cost in Denmarknot available
Embryo donation cost in Russia €2,000 - €2,800

Egg freezing (social freezing) costs abroad

Egg freezing costs abroad (in Europe) range from €1,600 to €4,700. Please note that any stimulation medication and storage costs are not included.

Egg freezing average cost abroad comparison
Egg freezing cost in Spain€3,500 - €4,700
Egg freezing cost in Czech Republic€2,000- €3,000
Egg freezing cost in Greece€2,500 - €3,000
Egg freezing cost in North Cyprus€2,500 - €2,700
Egg freezing cost in Portugal€2,700 - €3,300
Egg freezing cost in Ukraine€2,100 - €2,500
Egg freezing cost in Latvia€2,000 - 2,600
Egg freezing cost in Poland€1,600 - 2,200
Egg freezing cost in Denmark€3,200 - €3,800
frozen oocytes can be stored for maximum 5 years
Egg freezing cost in Russia €2,100 - €2,500

IVF for same-sex (female) couples costs abroad (ROPA)

The costs for the ROPA technique which is employed for same-sex female couples ranges on average from €4,700 to €7,000. The number of countries that legally offer this procedure is limited. In terms of popularity, the following countries offer the ROPA technique, Span, Portugal and Denmark.

IVF for same sex female couples (ROPA) average cost abroad comparison
ROPA cost in Spain€5,000 - €7000
ROPA cost in Czech Republicnot available
ROPA cost in Greecenot available
ROPAcost in North Cyprusnot available
ROPA cost in Portugal€4,700 - €5,500
ROPA cost in Ukrainenot available
ROPA cost in Latvianot available
ROPA cost in Polandnot available
ROPA cost in Denmark€5,000 - €7,800
ROPA cost in Russia not available

There is no PGT-A (preimplantation genetics diagnosis) cost included in this article, we prepared a special guide for PGT-A costs abroad here >

How to find top IVF clinics abroad?

You may find unique information about the most often chosen IVF clinics abroad prepared by our team. You will find there comprehensive information about the IVF clinics, the team – including doctors, success rates, treatment options and IVF costs – including general IVF treatment, special packages and IVF add-ons.

You may also be interested in reading about: Best IVF Clinics in Europe – Comprehensive Guide

IVF costs abroad: additional costs

When analysing different IVF clinic offers, always consider the following where appropriate:

  • A medical consultation with a doctor and basic scans and tests required before the IVF cycle
  • For IVF programmes with all the basic in vitro laboratory procedures, including the minimum: hormonal stimulation, egg retrieval, sperm collection and preparation, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), embryo culture until day 5 and fresh embryo transfer;​
  • Sperm freezing – just in case if semen parameters are not satisfactory enough on the day of the egg retrieval it is good practice to freeze the sperm sample once it has good parameters
  • Stimulation medications – although it is generally difficult to precisely predict total medication costs at the beginning of the IVF treatment; ​
  • For IVF programmes with donor eggs – including all donor eggs, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), embryo culture until the blastocyst stage and day 5 embryo transfer;​ make sure that donor compensation and donor stimulation medicines are included in the total cost of the treatment
  • Frozen embryo transfer​ (FET)

If you decide to use an egg donor database from an external donor bank it will increase the overall costs of the treatment as you will need to pay extra for the eggs themselves plus any transport costs. Usually, donor eggs from a donor bank are charged on the number ordered – often sold in batches of 4, 6 or 8.

The average cost of a single donor egg (one oocyte from an external egg bank may range between 250 and 450 euros.

Only when you have considered all these potential costs will you be in a position to estimate the likely cost of your treatment from a particular provider.

Check cost examples in popular IVF clinics abroad:

Popular IVF clinics in Spain

Popular IVF clinics in the Czech Republic

Popular IVF clinics in Greece

IVF treatment quality is the key​

When you are considering your choice of IVF Clinic the key is always the quality of treatment which will obviously have an impact the treatment outcome. However, reproductive medicine is an area where there are still many things that doctors do not understand. This is one of the reasons why some patients fail to get pregnant after the first, or multiple attempts. One of your main considerations therefore should always be the quality and experience offered by a prospective treatment provider.

Remember experience and quality invariably go hand in hand with higher costs of the IVF treatment. Therefore always use a degree of caution when coming across very cheap costs as this may translate into poor quality and less successful treatments. In the longer term you could be paying for more cheaper, unsuccessful cycles than one more expensive, but ultimately successful cycle!

Very cheap IVF clinics should always be treated with limited trust and confidence.

Of course, there are exceptions – but identifying these can be extremely time consuming and frustrating when all you want to do is start your IVF treatment. Often when you are searching for IVF options you have a limited time and you may also feel vulnerable – this makes finding a fertility clinic you can trust can sometimes be very difficult.

Remember, in each IVF clinic there will always be patients that will not experience successful IVF cycles. A good clinic however will recognise this and will always be committed to making the patient experience as stress-free as possible, whatever the eventual outcome. Paying for IVF treatment can be very costly and it is natural for those who experience a negative cycle will be extremely disappointed and sad but it is the clinic’s responsibility to mitigate these feelings by reassuring patients that they did as much as possible to effect a successful cycle. Equally, a good clinic would advise patients of any potential follow up treatments and their chances of success.

Cheap IVF abroad

If cost is your main consideration when you choose to have IVF abroad you will certainly have a number of providers to choose from. However, always remember that the cheapest options are not always necessarily the best, particularly when it comes to successful outcomes.

Expensive country versus cheapest country for IVF options

If you are wondering which clinic to choose in a given country – and your immediate criterion is the budget – we always recommend a good method of choosing an appropriate IVF clinic abroad is to start with identifying the national average cost of treatment in the country you wish to visit. Once you have established this, choose a clinic whose costs are slightly higher. Using this simple reasoning there is a good chance that you will find a clinic that offers both good treatment effectiveness and good patient care. Clinics that offer the cheapest costs invariably are the ones who also offer lower success rates and lower feedback in terms of patient care.

Cheap IVF clinics and the quality of treatment​

Remember that when it comes to IVF treatment, cheap does not always translate to good. You may sometimes come across a bargain, an offer you can’t afford to miss. These, unfortunately, are very few and far in between. A professional IVF clinic, which is focused on the quality of treatment, demands an appropriate financial investment. Such a clinic will have an experienced team of doctors, embryologists, midwives, nurses, and people helping to organize the entire treatment process. Equipping the clinic, including doctors’ offices and an embryological laboratory, is expensive.

There are many elements in the IVF clinic on which you can save, but this usually does not go hand in hand with the quality and effectiveness of treatment.

Cheapest country for IVF in Europe

If you are looking for the cheapest IVF country abroad (in Europe) you may take a closer look at:

Czech Republic
IVF cost in the Czech Republic starts at €2,100 and egg donation IVF packages range from €4,600 to €5,500 – however, you may find clinics where egg donation packages are cheaper – around €4,300.

North Cyprus
IVF costs in North Cyprus range between €2,500 – €3,500 while IVF with donor eggs starts at around €4,500


IVF with own eggs costs in Greece range between €2,500 – €3,500 while IVF with donor eggs starts at around €4,200

IVF cost in Poland starts at €2,200, the egg donation ranges between €5,200 – €6,000

IVF cost in Ukraine rages between €2,500 – €3,200 and egg donation packages start at €4,600

Please note, there are always “cheaper” and “more expensive” offers available in each country – so you may find clinics offering “a better value” however you need to treat suspiciously low offers with limited trust.

If we consider IVF costs worldwide, there are also the cheapest IVF options in the world

  • Turkey
  • India
  • Mexico
  • Brazil
  • Argentina

You may be interested in reading: Cheapest IVF – Worldwide Guide

IVF costs in popular destinations in Europe​

We have provided you with costs that fit within a specific value range rather than the average price. When analysing clinic offers and the cost of personalised treatment it is very difficult to determine the average cost for a given country. Therefore, we decided to present the data on costs as a minimum/maximum cost range in a given country.

The costs we have presented here include the basic elements of IVF programmes. However, there are always additional expenses that should be counted in, such as qualification processes, medications, extra medical procedures, as well as flights and accommodation.

You can find detailed information about egg donation cost in popular destinations at – where you’ll also find out more about egg donation options in Europe.

If you’re interested in general IVF treatment options we encourage you to read our IVF treatment abroad section at

IVF program costs​

Do not forget that the price offers clinics share with public may not always include all the important additional services. In order to know beforehand what you are required to pay, always check to make sure there are no hidden extras.

  • the donor’s fee, her medication and screening (if you’re interested in egg donation)​
  • qualification tests (woman and the partner)​
  • medications for stimulation protocol, before and after the embryo transfer​
  • egg retrieval​
  • sperm collection, sperm preparation and sperm freezing if necessary​
  • ICSI or any other IVF procedures you need​
  • transfer of blastocysts​
  • vitrification (freezing) and storage of embryos/blastocysts​

Make sure to ask your clinic of choice about ALL the costs included in their price quote!

IVF costs abroad – final thoughts

IVF abroad should not be viewed as a naturally cheap alternative to IVF treatments in your own country. In fact, many countries have become top destinations for IVF patients because of the IVF success rates they offer and subsequently charge comparatively high costs.

Every country will offer treatments at different prices and these will be reflected by the clinics themselves. Remember however that the prices that are quoted on websites and in promotional materials often only show the basic treatment costs. These costs might not include medication or any additional costs for treatment that you specifically require.

Always do your homework when looking at prices. Take a look at a number of clinics in a specific country and get a feel for price ranges. Don’t necessarily choose the cheapest option – they are the cheapest for a reason! A rule of thumb we recommend is to choose a mid range clinic in terms of price which will usually offer both good success rates and a good quality patient care service.

Consider a guarantee or refund programme if you are eligible but always read the fine print. These programmes can be effective if you are looking for the best chances of a guarantee available but remember nothing is really guaranteed in assisted reproduction.

When you are ready to choose your treatment provider and you are happy that the destination of your choice offers the necessary safeguards in terms of regulatory frameworks and legislation get a fixed price (or as near as possible).

Ask your provider for a breakdown of essential costs and those which might affect your success rate but are not absolutely necessary. Spending time working out specific costs at the beginning of your journey will ensure you do not receive any unexpected costs later down the line.

IVF cost abroad – FAQ

Where is IVF the cheapest?

The cost of IVF differs from one country to another. If you’re looking for more affordable IVF options, countries such as North Cyprus, Spain, Greece, and the Czech Republic provide high-quality care at much lower prices compared to the United States or the United Kingdom. However, it’s important to consider additional expenses such as travel, accommodation, and any unexpected medical costs when planning for IVF abroad.

Is it cheaper to have IVF abroad?

This really depends on the country in which you reside in. For instance, IVF treatments are the most expensive in the U.S. therefore patients who travel from there for IVF are likely to get treatment much cheaper than in their own country. If you are open however to travel for treatment your options will be greater and it follows that you will probably be able to source cheaper treatment in another country.

What is the average cost of IVF abroad?

It is very difficult to obtain an accurate average cost for a particularly country as each treatment depends on a number of variables like the type of treatment provided and the personalised treatment plan offered to patients. It is far easier to identify a price range for countries based on standard treatments.

Can I get IVF in a different country?

Yes, if you are funding your own treatment you can get IVF in a different country. You need to understand what legal rules apply in the country you are interested in to see whether treatment is an option.

Is IVF cheaper in Europe?

IVF costs are relative. Treatments are cheaper in Europe than they are in the U.S. but more expensive than somewhere like Africa. Costs in individual countries vary, therefore it is inevitable that you might find treatments cheaper than in your own country.

Picture of Aleksander Wiecki
Aleksander Wiecki
Aleksander is an advocate of transparency and truth about IVF treatment and patients’ experience manager. With strong expertise and background in the IVF and infertility industry including IVF clinics and genetic laboratories Aleksander strongly believes that there is a gap between IVF patients and clinics. This is a gap where patients may fall for the most common IVF treatment traps during their infertility journey. That’s why patients need help and support which they don’t necessarily get from IVF clinics. The support which comes from an objective, trustworthy and reliable source. Aleksander is a regular guest at ESHRE annual meetings, the Fertility Show in London, the Fertility Forum, the IMTJ - Medical Travel Summit, Fertility Exhibitions and conferences around the world.

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